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Our Work

Artisttree-Inc NFP is a Chicagoland based nonprofit organization that supports international social practice art movements. Currently, Artisttree's artist collective, Cantos de Almaya, is comprised of __ artists living and working in San Miguel Almaya, a town located just over an hour southwest of Mexico City. 

These local cultural leaders use their talents to promote social change through art. Workshops, community pop-up events, musical compositions, visual arts practice, documentary creation and more. In the current chapter of their work, Cantos de Almaya is focusing on saving and preserving the land and water of their community.



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Community pop-up events

Artist __, created a custom loteria game board with local culturally relevant game squares. For example, "El Principal" (town square), La Cruz de Pericon (a natural flowering herb shaped into a cross and used for protection) and El Ajolote (Axolotl, an amphibian local to the lake of Almaya whose legend calls them the Aztec god of fire and lightning)


Community Cleanup Engagement

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Original Music Compositions

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Visual Arts

Expo Mural Quilotzin 2022 was a social practice art festival that covered the topic of water. _#_ muralists from _?all over mexico?_ transformed the town into a living exhibit of artwork honoring water, feminine figures of strength and other pre-hispanic dieties to honor the town's pride and history.


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